If the hardwood floors in your master bedroom is looking dull, then it’s probably time to bring some life to it. You don’t want your hardwood floors to look outdated. The idea of refinishing your floors might seem a bit too stressful. That’s why we want you to know you can give your floor a brand new look without going through the strenuous refinishing process. Here’s how:
Make Small Repairs
To help your hardwood floor look brand new it’s best to make what small repairs you can. If there are minor holes you can fill those in. Surface level scratches aren’t really something you should worry about. Once you polish your floor it’ll be hard to see any of the surface level scratches anyway. Making these small repairs can help extend the life of the hardwood floors in your master bedroom and it’ll give you time before you have to go through the refinishing process.
Vacuum or Sweep Floor Your Wood Floors Frequently
The first step to making your hardwood flooring look brand new is to clear out all of your furniture. If you are going to clean the floor thoroughly, then you don’t want any of your furniture to be in the way. You have to be able to have access to the entire floor in your master bedroom in order to get a consistent look. After you remove all of your furniture, then you can vacuum the floor. You want to get all of the dust off the floor before you move on to the next step. You can also sweep after if you want to make sure you got everything.
Use The Correct Hardwood Floor Cleaner
Once you are done sweeping the floor, then you can move on to the most important step. The one of the secrets to making your wood floor look brand new is using the correct floor cleaning solution. Many customers have told me about their floor losing it's shine and they want to know what happened. It is always the same problem: they used an oil or soap to try to clean their wood. The result of using the wrong cleaner is a coat of residue atop the polyurethane finish on your floor. This layer of residue will attract dirt and dust, giving your wood floor the appearance of having lost it's original sheen. Fear not, as this demise it reversible.
The correct cleaner for wood and vinyl flooring, whether tiles or planks, is a no rinse cleaner. Any cleaning solution that requires rinsing will leave a residue in your room. Armstrong's Once N Done is a great cleaner, as are the ones from Bona. Recently I have seen vinegar and water cleaning products offered in the supermarket where I shop. These cleaners are offered at extremely low prices and will do the job quite well.
It is quite possible that your wood floor does not need redone. Instead it just needs a deep cleaning. Try Armstrong's New Beginning product to cut the coat of residue from your floor and restore your finish to the way it was when your wood was installed. This will not be easy, as the grime and residue will be down in the grain and along the edges of the boards. The residue will not leave any long term stain on your finish, so your efforts should be rewarded by the appearance of a new finish in your home.
When is it Time to Refinish My Floor?
After you’ve finished the cleaning process, the wood floors in your master bedroom will looking shiny and brand new. You won’t have to worry about the wood refinishing process until you start to see significant damage to your floors. When you start to see deep scratches, then it might be time to consider refinishing your floor. However, we recommend not worrying about refinishing until you see a lot of damage to your floor. You can take small steps to help extend the life of your solid hardwood flooring until that time comes.
Affordable Floors That Last
If you want durable floors for inexpensive prices, then you should shop at ReallyCheapFloors.com. We offer the best flooring for your home. Check out our prefinished hardwood flooring options and get started on your home improvement project today!