Do I Want Prefinished or Unfinished Hardwood In My Home?
Any time a guest visits your home, one of the first things they’ll notice is your hardwood flooring. Your home’s flooring is a reflection of the style you want to portray. You’ll want to choose a flooring that fits your design style and your budget. There are two options you can choose when you want to go with hardwood flooring. We’ve compared prefinished hardwood flooring vs unfinished hardwood flooring to help you find out which is the better option for your home.
Unfinished Hardwood Flooring
Normally when you decide to go with waterproof hardwood flooring, there is a finishing process after the unfinished planks are installed. After the unfinished hardwood flooring is installed it is then finished and stained with a protective coat. This helps seal the flooring to protect it from water damage.
Pros: Unfinished hardwood flooring is initially cheaper than prefinished hardwood flooring when you compare just the cost of the flooring itself. Also, finishing the flooring on-site allows for more control with what the floor will look like. If you are doing a large renovation job, then you might want to wait to finish the floor once you get the full picture of what your home is going to look like.
Cons: The finishing process can be long and it takes a lot of dedication. Once you finish the floor, you have to wait days, and at times weeks, before you can move furniture into the home. It takes a lot of patience to complete the finishing process which can be a lot when you have the whole house to complete.
Prefinished Hardwoods
Manufacturers began to create prefinished hardwood flooring because they wanted to make a more convenient option for homeowners. The factory applies a finishing treatment, so you don’t have to.
Pros: When you look at prefinished hardwood flooring vs unfinished hardwood flooring, it is easy to see which one is more convenient. Once prefinished flooring is installed, you can almost instantly walk on your new floor. You won’t have to wait for finishing products to dry.
Cons: You have less control when it comes to purchasing a prefinished floor. Once the finishing treatment is complete you can’t reverse it. This just means that you’ll know exactly what the floor will look like and no stain or color alterations can be made.
Which is Better? Or Are They Just Different?
All of this brings us to one question: Which is better? When you compare prefinished hardwood flooring vs unfinished hardwood flooring, you should look at your personal time and budget constraints. Prefinished hardwood flooring is the best option if you want an easier installation process and if you want to move furniture into your home immediately after installation. In terms of budget, unfinished hardwood flooring is cheaper when you just consider the flooring itself. Once you factor in the costs of a finishing treatment, then prefinished flooring actually ends up being cheaper. You can consider the pros and cons of both options and decide what works best for you.
Which One Has a Better Finish?
Prefinished vs unfinished hardwood is something I have discussed with many different customers, and the quality of the finish on the respective products should be one of the biggest issues when you are considering which of the two floors that you will purchase for your next project. When comparing these two different floors we will have to accept that the durability of the prefinished options, with their factory applied polyurethane finish, bolstered by the addition of aluminum oxide, provide a superior wearlayer. The finish on this floor will last much longer as well as show less loss of gloss level due to abrasive wear. This is mostly due to the aluminum oxide particles suspended in the poly finish.
On the other hand, the site-finished hardwood will feature a smooth finish that is flat across the floor, without the grooves and breaks that are necessary in a prefinished wood due to the bevels. Some people prefer the look of the bevels in their wood flooring while others prefer the finish on their floors to be smooth. That is a personal decision.
When sanding a finishing a wood floor in your home, most installation professionals will offer the homeowner the option of using oil- or water-based finish. Oil will give your finish a slightly warmer patina, while the water-based finish will be more of a true tint on your wood floor. As an added benefit of the water-based finishes, it is possible to use a finish that includes the durability-enhancing aluminum oxide. Companies like Bona and Last-n-Last offer some great finishes that will rival those on the prefinished floors but be prepared to pay for them, as they are not cheap.
Which of the Two Hardwood Flooring Products is Easier to Install?
When comparing the ease of installation between a prefinished and unfinished hardwood floor I would have to say that the unfinished floor is an easier install. The reason for that is that you do not have to be as gentle with the unfinished floor, as the finish and stains have not yet been applied. Also, an occasional crack between boards is not a big deal with an unfinished floor install as the finish will smooth it out. This is especially important around door jambs as it is much easier to putty an unfinished floor. The custom finished floor will minimize any mistakes that were made during installation.
At, we offer great flooring for affordable prices. Browse our prefinished hardwood flooring to find an option that best compliments your home.