Is Hardwood Or Laminate Is Best For Your Home? The most common question asked from a flooring professional is, "What's your budget?" after hearing that! Its not because we want to make more money from you, its because money is the main factor when choosing a wood floor product over a laminate one.
Laminate and hardwood can look very similar these days. Most people looking to replce a floor or remodel a room is to fix anything you weren’t happy about when you first moved in. Replacing flooring in any part of a home will bring a totally different look and feeling with it.
In the argument of laminate vs hardwood flooring, there are a few things you should consider before you make a decision on which you want to buy. Here are 5 things to know before you buy
1. What’s the difference between Hardwood and Laminate?
When you start comparing laminate flooring vs hardwood flooring, you should know what the major difference between the two are. Laminate flooring isn’t actually made of wood. It is made from a blend of different things to imitate hardwood floors.
Hardwood flooring on the other hand is made from natural wood. The biggest difference in appearance is that laminate flooring will have a replicated pattern in the design. Hardwoods have a unique variation in grains and the way they look. If you want a full breakdown on what laminate flooring is and what features separate a quality laminate versus a low-quality laminate, check our blog: what is laminate flooring.
2. Which one is easier to clean and maintain in your home?
Because laminate flooring is more resistant to wear and tear and moisture than hardwood, it is a lot easier to clean. Hardwood floors take a lot of time to clean and maintain to make them pristine and brand new. A lot of laminate floors have a long warranty on how long they will be in good shape, whereas a lot of hardwood floors require a specific kind of cleaner to keep them clean, which can get expensive in the long run.
3. What is engineered wood flooring?
Engineered wood flooring is a cheaper option than real hardwood and a bit more expensive than laminate. So, it’s sort of the middle ground when it comes to price. Engineered wood flooring requires the same upkeep as normal hardwood does .Engineered floors are better suited to areas in your home that might have excessive moisture than a solid floor. Engineered hardwood flooring is constructed by placing one layer of wood atop another while turning each layer 90 degrees from the previous layer. This creates a stability that no other wood floor can match as it will not expand much, nor warp or buckle, giving it a durability that cannot be matched by solid flooring.
4. Which option is cheaper, hardwood vs laminate?
If you are shopping at a box store, or traditional full-service flooring retailer, laminate flooring tends to be the cheaper option in the race against hardwood flooring. But if you are shopping at for your hardwood you will find that the great deals we offer on overstock, seconds, factory returns, and Cabin grade hardwood floor both in solid and engineered options, will make hardwood less of a problem for the flooring budget for your home. And real wood is the more popular choice for most consumers, as it offers a look that cannot be matched by a laminate flooring product. The lower cost is just a strawberry on top!
Laminate floors will cost from $3 to $8 per square foot, while first quality hardwoods will run about the same price per square foot. Cabin grade hardwoods in both solid and engineered can be purchased at for less than $2 per square foot.
But we have to mention that laminate is probably the better option for a diy project, as laminate flooring will snap together, and needs no nailers. Professional installation costs can run as much as $3 per square foot, so the option of doing your own installation is a big deal.
5. Which one will look the best in my kitchen, laminate or hardwood?
That will depend on the layout of your home, as well as your tastes. Me, I love continuity, so if a kitchens part of a great room, or even somewhat attached to the living room, I will run the same flooring throughout the home, including the kitchen. Laminate, just like Luxury Vinyl Plank has the advantage of having so many different looks and styles, whereas hardwood floor, whether it is an engineered floor or solid, just has one look. Wood! So if you want the kitchen or bathrooms in your home to have a look of their own, laminate would a great choice. If you're looking for a cheaper hardwood alternative check out our flooring shop page now.
6. Where’s the best place to compare them in person?
One of the easiest ways to settle the debate in your head between laminate flooring or hardwood flooring is to compare them in person! If you visit one of our locations in Murphy, NC, you’ll have the chance to do just that. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the flooring while you are there because we want to help you find the right flooring for your home.
Learn all about the different flooring options online and reach out to us with any more questions you have before you decide what to buy.